In this story it is important to show you that everybody dies. And when you die your soul leaves your lifeless body. Is your soul a good soul or a bad soul? Upon your death that determination will rest solely on the decision by an angelic being, a representative from the creator of all life, and until it is decided your soul will wander in limbo until it is invited to the heavens above or forced to the dark shadows of the underworld. In all likelihood, how you live your life on this planet will by all means help determine the fate of which direction your soul will travel and reside for eternity. But there are some souls that stay in limbo. Some that evade the Most High’s decision and so they haunt the world and there are some that influence humans to partake in evil ways, that is unless these souls are captured and held captive. For if the wayward souls of evil are confined to their own prison the earth shall know peace, shall know joy, shall know kindness. Imagine everyday being like Christmas. That is what the Astronoment gives us and without it, the world would be a chaotic mess.